Saw an interesting statement by Paul Krugman: "pundits who describe America as a fundamentally conservative country are wrong"
I think Mr. Krugman is right, but not in the way he thinks. I would phrase the statement like this: "America is not fundamentally stupid."
The fact is this: The socialistic economic policies exposed by liberal democrats like Obama and Nancy Pelosi do not work. Just off the top of my head I can reference U.S.S.R., China, Eastern Europe, and today's Western Europe of examples of this fact. The belief that "Big Brother Government" is a solution to problems has cost billions of human lives over any number of centuries.
I think on several levels the majority of the American Public realizes that Big Government is not an answer and that in order for them to personally succeed they need to do things themselves. Case in point here is me. I went out and got an education as a Pastry Chef. I will be soon starting a job putting my new education to use. I have not relied on the government to finance me. I haven't relied on food stamps. I have pulled myself back out of the hole I fell in and am ready to keep climbing upwards.
* * *
The success of the socialistic agenda and the rise of Big Government in the United States has largely succeeded due to a two-fold push. The first fold has been the traditional control of the mainstream news feeds. Organizations like ABC, NBC, MicrosoftNBC, CBS, CNN, Reuters, and the Associated Press are controlled by executives pushing a liberal democrat / socialist agenda. This control over the news has only been disrupted by the rise of the internet. Services such as MySpace, Facebook, and Blogger have given ordinary citizens the ability to connect with each other on a level that has dismantled the traditional news media. Today's American's are more comfortable with turning on the web-browser and doing a quick Google Search to check the background on a story, than just accepting the report on TV at face value.
Okay, to be fair I will address the elephant in the room here. Fox News is not the right-wing leaning pundit it's competitors make it out to be. From a purely political perspective Fox News is a neutral party whose owning corporation is a left-wing body, but finds the neutral positioning to be profitable. It is only in comparison to the other news networks which are entrenched in liberal democrat dogma that Fox News appears to be right wing. Again, rise of the internet. Google Search is your friend. The positioning of Fox News as an untrustworthy news source is dismantled on a regular basis. I'm not going to bother here, I have other things to type about.
The other fold has been the judicial system. Liberal Democrats have been successful in pushing their agenda through the courts. Why? Well, because everytime a Liberal Democrat policy comes up for an actual vote it gets shot down. Dramatic case in point would be granting homosexuals the "right" to marry.
When it comes down to it nobody involved with pushing the Homosexual agenda has actually been able to explain why Homosexuals marrying is a "good thing" and should be recognized under law. After-all the legal advantages of being married were initially drafted with idea of encouraging people to have children. You know, something Homosexuals can't physically accomplish. However the actual purposes of the legal advantages to being married have largely been ignored by those pressing the Homosexual Agenda in favor of banging on irrelevant topics like equal rights and equality. When legislation pushing the homosexual agenda have actually come up for a vote, the legsilation has been defeated even in states where the percentage of people with liberal democrat and socialistic ideologies is very high, such as California. I went into this subject back in 2007:
Since the votes for pro-homosexual legislation has failed the supporters have instead turned to the court system to get their way instead. Again, Google Search is your friend. Look it up. Although I would start here:
* * *
Getting back around to the point I was initially making, the push on socialism and big government has run into roadblocks over the past 4 years alone. The average citizen has seen for themselves the policies and effects of a liberal-democrat aligned political system under Obama. The Tea Party deserves credit as the only reason the degradation was halted with it's mid-presidential term election.
One of the key things to keep in mind here is that the Tea Party is not really a conservative or republican aligned political party, although the mass news media would love to position the Tea Party as such. The Tea Party is comprised of people with liberal philosophies, conservative philosophies, democrat backgrounds, republican backgrounds, and so on and so forth. The Tea Party is also about education.
An average Tea Party meeting is not just somebody handing out a little card and telling everybody else present how to vote. An average Tea Party meeting is citizens getting together and actually trying to learn about the political and economic issues at hand. The result is a voting party that approaches the polls with a better handle over what is being voted on. The problem the liberal democrats have is that educated voters are not likely to vote for policies, legislation, or candidates that have socialism aligned goals or ideals. This goes back to what I said at the start: The Average American is not actually stupid.
The backlash from the Tea Party shocked the, for lack of a better term, Old Guard Republicans. For probably the first time since Ronald Reagan the Republican Party was controlled by a new generation of voters who simply didn't toe the party line.
Now, is the Tea Party an overall conservative party? In some aspects yes, one could say the Tea Party has conservative alignments. These alignments are largely based on education of people who want to learn, not simple beliefs or repeated dogma. As evidenced in the 2010 elections, voter education is the worst enemy of liberal democrats and their policies.
* * *
If we accept that the average America citizen is not fundamentally stupid, then yes, economic recovery is possible. Getting officials into office who oppose Socialistic Policies and understand that a larger Government is going to solve no problems is just a part of the solution for America moving forward.
This blog normally orients towards technology matters, chewing out various news sites and their readers, but will also include the interests of one Very Grumpy Bunny.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Windows 8: Let's get ready to Rumble
Okay, this post is primarily driven by a Google+ stream by SVN. The background of the post is this: Microsoft is planning the launch of the next Windows 8 test release later this month. We do know some of the details that will be changed in the next release compared to the current Developer Preview such as the removal of the Start Button from the Windows 8 interface.
Now, I've been pretty vocal on just how bad the existing Windows 8 Developer Preview is. I've got an installation set up against an Athlon64 X2 @ 2ghz with a RadeonHD 4650 graphics card. Since the preview was released I've shown it to everybody who has come to visit me either for computer help, to pick up baked goods, or just to hang out. Such people have included Mary-Kay consultants, school janitors, retired teachers, car mechanics, restaurant managers, jewelry store managers, and their friends and relatives. The collected response from everybody who has sat down and actually used the Windows 8 developer preview has ranged from "you cannot be serious" to "if this had been on my computer it would have gone into the trash can."
Thing is, I used to have an installation of Ubuntu running their version of Gnome 2.x and I asked people to use it. Most, but not all, of the casual consumers that I showed Gnome 2.x to hated it and had negative reactions. That's one of the reasons I slag on Gnome all the time. The Gnome Human-Interface-Design group's approach for a "Grandma Friendly" desktop is complete and utter horse hockey. Windows 8 is the first time that any Gnome 2.x based Linux has actually been described as an interface that casual consumers would prefer if they were given a choice. That's how bad the Developer Preview is and from the changes Microsoft is making, the upcoming Consumer Beta is going to be WORSE.
As of right now there is a trend towards deliberate design flaws on the part of many Desktop Oriented Linux Distributions. Desktops such as Unity and Gnome 3.x attempt to address non-existent problems such as clutter. The result of such approaches has resulted in user-revolts with Gnome-centric distributions, such as Linux Mint, attempting to add the functionality of Gnome 2.x back into Gnome 3.x.
The good news for Linux distributions is that their consumer-base is largely made up of consumers that are relatively technology-literate, or communicate with people who are technologically-literate. Ergo design blunders like Unity and Gnome 3.x are being countered and the overall negative effects are mitigated.
Windows 8 has no such user-base connections. Most Windows users tend to be technologically-illiterate. This means that the consequences of Microsoft following the footsteps of Unity and Gnome 3.x are going to be far more severe.
One of the core problems Microsoft faces it the attempt to unify the Phone, Tablet, and Desktop operating systems under one single interface. Microsoft has tried such approaches multiple times in the past and those attempts have never worked. Microsoft has been pushing the "tablet" form factor and other mobile solutions for well over a decade, but the ultimate product result is often described as a "solution in search of a problem." Microsoft's previous attempts have tried to shove the existing Windows user-interface architecture into the smaller system form factors. Windows 8 is an inversion of that approach as it tries to scale a small system form factor into something usable on a larger system form factor.
The market realities that Microsoft has itself proven are as follows:
The Windows 8 Developer preview scraps everything Microsoft has ever learned about user-interface design from their own product releases. Many such mistakes are the very causes of Microsoft's non-factor status in the mobile market.
The mobile revolution as we know it through Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD has largely occurred preciously because Microsoft was not involved. Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD have been successful for many reasons, such as their use of inexpensive and battery efficient ARM hardware. Another reason is that the Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD platforms approached the mobile market with user-interfaces and operating systems that were designed to work within small form factor constrained design limitations.
Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD are not designed to work on large format systems with multiple input methods, and nor is there any real attempt to have either operating system target such systems. Google and Apple maintain completely separate distributions and operating systems to handle traditional desktop tasks; Chromium_OS/Linux and OSX/Mach_BSD.
Considering that Google and Apple have succeeded where Microsoft has unilaterally failed one would think that Microsoft would take some notes. Indeed Microsoft has taken notes on the successes of products from Google and Apple. Windows 8 is indeed supporting the ARM architecture.
So let's get this out of the way first of all. BORING.
For those who don't understand why I say this is boring, I'm just going to give you one link:
The Official release version of the Debian Operating System supports 9 Different Processor Architectures with the Linux kernel. In addition the official release supports 2 of those processor architectures using the kfreebsd kernel.
Unofficial and/or discontinued releases of the Debian Operating System include an additional 9 Different Processor Architectures. Unofficial and/or discontinued versions also include support for two more kernels, Hurd and netbsd.
In comparison Microsoft supporting a single new architecture is downright laughable. Microsoft's attempts at Metro program compatibility is also laughable. When Microsoft covers as many platforms as Debian does with the program support that Debian manages, then we can have a talk about how incredible Microsoft's engineering team is. Till then, Microsoft is still the amateur chump talking big with absolutely nothing to back up the boasting. Sorry if this is a bit too blunt for the people who thought Windows 8 was somehow doing something new... Debian's been doing this multiple architecture / multiple program release thing for over a decade.
Now then. Obviously I am not impressed by Microsoft's support of ARM. I think Microsoft's new position is a knee-jerk reaction to try and shore up the assault on the commercial industries reliance on Microsoft branded products. If nothing else the sales of Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD products have gotten consumers to realize that they don't need Microsoft products on their computing devices.
I also think that Microsoft's design direction taken with Windows 8 is likewise derived from a knee-jerk reaction. Microsoft does not understand where the computing market is going on what amounts to fundamental levels. Microsoft sees Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD as direct competitors and has designed the Windows 8 user-interface to compete against those platforms.
The problem is those platforms are not Microsoft's Competitor. This is:
If I was a Microsoft employee KDE is what would keep me up at night sweating bullets. The KDE 4.x release already incorporates several interesting technologies that make it a more attractive and productive choice for both business and consumer customers. Long time tech writer Bruce Byfield has even gone so far as to state:
Among the interesting technologies KDE offers is it's Activities. Don't worry if KDE Activities are confusing at first, Bruce Byfield has a very good post on the technology at work. To simply state what Activities can do, they create different desktop interfaces that can handle completely different layouts of the user-interface elements.
Recent updates have extended the base functionality of the Activities technology. For example KDE 4.8 attached power-management settings to the KRandR and Activities function. I highly suggest reading drfav's wordpress post on some of the implications of this particular update, as well as the accompanying video. With KDE 4.8 it is now possible to setup different activities to have different power profiles, and those power settings change by just swapping Activities.
So, let's through a little bit fuel onto this fire. KDE currently has 3 different interface configurations. The default configuration is called Plasma Desktop and offers a traditionally oriented desktop design configured for high resolution monitors. There also is a configuration referred to as Plasma Netbook which is optimized for low resolution screens and low-resource hardware. The last is KDE Contour, an interface designed around touch-screen interfaces. The KDE Plasma-Active project also adds a UI layout and design guideline for touch-interface designed applications referred to as Active-Apps. For the most part KDE is capable of switching between each of these different interface configurations while programs remain open and running. KDE achieves this capability by decoupling system functionality from the user-interface.
Okay, as of right now I do not think it is possible to use Activities to change through the Workspace interfaces. Nor do I think it is possible yet for applications to automatically be reskinned on an Activity Switch. For example, if you switch from Plasma-Desktop to Plasma-Contour while Amarok is running, Amarok will still be presented with the keyboard and mouse interface rather than an Active App interface.
Imagine for a second when KDE does gain these abilities and what this could mean for hardware vendors. Sony, for example, could offer a Playstation Tablet backed by KDE. Sony implements the XMB as a Activity bound Workspace interface atop KDE and the user has a Sony Tablet experience while in tablet mode. When the user sits down and attaches their tablet to an external monitor KDE detects the monitor and switches to an Activity with a Plasma-Desktop interface and cranks the clockspeeds up for a desktop computer experience, all without interrupting any running applications.
This technology gap between KDE and any other interface is the stuff of nightmares for companies like Microsoft. KDE is the defining model of how the user-interface problems between hardware devices should have been approached to begin with. In the light of what KDE is doing? Metro isn't just pathetic, it's a complete and utter joke.
I can also make the problem even worse for Microsoft with just 5 words: KDE. Is. Operating. System. Neutral.
I can also turn this into a full on Cthulhu class nightmare with just two more words: Android. Compatibility.
Let me explain. The KDE Software Compilation is primarily designed as desktop environment that runs atop GNU/Linux. It is also an open source project and can theoretically be adapted to any operating system. On paper this means that it should be possible to run the KDE interface atop operating systems built against Android/Linux or WebOS/Linux. This alone could be significant as Android/Linux vendors such as Amazon are already creating and maintaining their own interfaces atop the Android Operating System. The downside here is that getting KDE up and running as an User Interface Environment on Android/Linux or WebOS/Linux would require large amounts of new code, and the KDE developers have been pretty clear that they have no desire to do that work.
The flip side is that Android itself is also an open-source project and the structure of Android/Linux applications are well documented. Arstechnica actually has a pretty article on this subject already. It is fully possible for Operating Systems that are NOT running Android/Linux to provide binary compatibility for Android/Linux applications. Where getting the KDE interfaces to operate atop a non GNU/Linux operating system and kernel would be very difficult, getting Android/Linux applications running atop a KDE/GNU/Linux distribution is incredibly easy.
If you thought this was a bonfire already, let me add some fuel, say, something like: Hypertransport
Imagine for a second buying an ARM tablet loaded with KDE/GNU/Linux. You wander around town doing the normal tablet things with Android Applications. You get home and you plug your tablet into a docking station. This docking station just happens to have a couple of hypertransport links that now connects your tablet to say, an AMD Piledriver processor and a RadeonHD class graphics card. As your tablet shifts from the tablet display to your external monitor the tablet syncs the data you've changed while in tablet mode to say, a larger drive. Other programs, such as Valve's GNU+Android/Linux Steam client and Sony's Playstation Suite synch with data stored on the larger internal-hard-drive, such as a list of installed games.
As the system finishes reconfiguring, the tablet goes from running atop an extremely power-efficient ARM processor and a limited graphics processor, to running with an x86 processor with a gaming class graphics card. From the users perspective they haven't done anything but plugged their tablet into a dock and wait a few seconds, and now they still have everything they were doing running on screen, but a much more powerful computer with far more capabilities.
The kicker? Aside from ARM not running on a Hypertransport bus and KDE not having this software switch functionality yet, and the need for somebody to write a synchronization package to actually perform the data-sync, the rest is already possible today. Hypertransport already supports central processor hotplugging. In addition GNU/Linux running atop multiple processor architectures is also a reality. Technologies such as OpenCL also remove some of the limitations of switching processor architectures.
Imagine for a second the market implications these types of technology advances have for companies like HP, Dell, or Sony. This is stuff that is not 5 or 10 years down the line. This is stuff that could be on the market in less than a years time.
To reiterate what I said earlier. Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD are indeed headaches for Microsoft. They've cracked the ribs of hardware vendors who have spent decades relying on Microsoft. Consumers are now more open to concept of buying computing products that don't carry that magic Microsoft Badge.
For what KDE represents, and what it is doing NOW, it's the competitor that Microsoft should be paying attention to.
Now, will hardware vendors realize the possibilities that a KDE/GNU/Linux system offers them? Will hardware vendors leverage those possibilities in products and make stuff that consumers actually want to buy?
My suspicion is yes. As of right now the real-consumer backlash on Windows 8 is going to make the Vista backlash look like a drop in the bucket. Hardware vendors are likely going to be left scrambling to come up with answers... and KDE will be there waiting to help.
* * *
Update: I received this response from Aseigo
Now, I've been pretty vocal on just how bad the existing Windows 8 Developer Preview is. I've got an installation set up against an Athlon64 X2 @ 2ghz with a RadeonHD 4650 graphics card. Since the preview was released I've shown it to everybody who has come to visit me either for computer help, to pick up baked goods, or just to hang out. Such people have included Mary-Kay consultants, school janitors, retired teachers, car mechanics, restaurant managers, jewelry store managers, and their friends and relatives. The collected response from everybody who has sat down and actually used the Windows 8 developer preview has ranged from "you cannot be serious" to "if this had been on my computer it would have gone into the trash can."
Thing is, I used to have an installation of Ubuntu running their version of Gnome 2.x and I asked people to use it. Most, but not all, of the casual consumers that I showed Gnome 2.x to hated it and had negative reactions. That's one of the reasons I slag on Gnome all the time. The Gnome Human-Interface-Design group's approach for a "Grandma Friendly" desktop is complete and utter horse hockey. Windows 8 is the first time that any Gnome 2.x based Linux has actually been described as an interface that casual consumers would prefer if they were given a choice. That's how bad the Developer Preview is and from the changes Microsoft is making, the upcoming Consumer Beta is going to be WORSE.
As of right now there is a trend towards deliberate design flaws on the part of many Desktop Oriented Linux Distributions. Desktops such as Unity and Gnome 3.x attempt to address non-existent problems such as clutter. The result of such approaches has resulted in user-revolts with Gnome-centric distributions, such as Linux Mint, attempting to add the functionality of Gnome 2.x back into Gnome 3.x.
The good news for Linux distributions is that their consumer-base is largely made up of consumers that are relatively technology-literate, or communicate with people who are technologically-literate. Ergo design blunders like Unity and Gnome 3.x are being countered and the overall negative effects are mitigated.
Windows 8 has no such user-base connections. Most Windows users tend to be technologically-illiterate. This means that the consequences of Microsoft following the footsteps of Unity and Gnome 3.x are going to be far more severe.
One of the core problems Microsoft faces it the attempt to unify the Phone, Tablet, and Desktop operating systems under one single interface. Microsoft has tried such approaches multiple times in the past and those attempts have never worked. Microsoft has been pushing the "tablet" form factor and other mobile solutions for well over a decade, but the ultimate product result is often described as a "solution in search of a problem." Microsoft's previous attempts have tried to shove the existing Windows user-interface architecture into the smaller system form factors. Windows 8 is an inversion of that approach as it tries to scale a small system form factor into something usable on a larger system form factor.
The market realities that Microsoft has itself proven are as follows:
- An interface that works well for a large-screen monitor will result in ultra-tiny font and near-unusable controls on a small-screen such as those used by a phone.
- An interface designed for a small-screen such as those used by a phone will look like something designed for children on larger format screens.
- An interface that is designed for the precise control of a mouse and the multiple inputs of a keyboard will not directly translate to a touch-screen interface; any such translations will require software overhead to provide for keyboard functionality through the user-interface as well as accommodate less precise pointing methods.
- An interface that is designed to accommodate touch screens with multiple finger-width possibilities will not directly translate to a keyboard and mouse configuration. On-screen Buttons that are sized for a finger to hit will consume an inordinate amount of space for a mouse, and functions that are bound to swipes of the screen and on-screen objects will not be required with other additional input sources.
The Windows 8 Developer preview scraps everything Microsoft has ever learned about user-interface design from their own product releases. Many such mistakes are the very causes of Microsoft's non-factor status in the mobile market.
The mobile revolution as we know it through Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD has largely occurred preciously because Microsoft was not involved. Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD have been successful for many reasons, such as their use of inexpensive and battery efficient ARM hardware. Another reason is that the Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD platforms approached the mobile market with user-interfaces and operating systems that were designed to work within small form factor constrained design limitations.
Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD are not designed to work on large format systems with multiple input methods, and nor is there any real attempt to have either operating system target such systems. Google and Apple maintain completely separate distributions and operating systems to handle traditional desktop tasks; Chromium_OS/Linux and OSX/Mach_BSD.
Considering that Google and Apple have succeeded where Microsoft has unilaterally failed one would think that Microsoft would take some notes. Indeed Microsoft has taken notes on the successes of products from Google and Apple. Windows 8 is indeed supporting the ARM architecture.
So let's get this out of the way first of all. BORING.
For those who don't understand why I say this is boring, I'm just going to give you one link:
The Official release version of the Debian Operating System supports 9 Different Processor Architectures with the Linux kernel. In addition the official release supports 2 of those processor architectures using the kfreebsd kernel.
Unofficial and/or discontinued releases of the Debian Operating System include an additional 9 Different Processor Architectures. Unofficial and/or discontinued versions also include support for two more kernels, Hurd and netbsd.
In comparison Microsoft supporting a single new architecture is downright laughable. Microsoft's attempts at Metro program compatibility is also laughable. When Microsoft covers as many platforms as Debian does with the program support that Debian manages, then we can have a talk about how incredible Microsoft's engineering team is. Till then, Microsoft is still the amateur chump talking big with absolutely nothing to back up the boasting. Sorry if this is a bit too blunt for the people who thought Windows 8 was somehow doing something new... Debian's been doing this multiple architecture / multiple program release thing for over a decade.
Now then. Obviously I am not impressed by Microsoft's support of ARM. I think Microsoft's new position is a knee-jerk reaction to try and shore up the assault on the commercial industries reliance on Microsoft branded products. If nothing else the sales of Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD products have gotten consumers to realize that they don't need Microsoft products on their computing devices.
I also think that Microsoft's design direction taken with Windows 8 is likewise derived from a knee-jerk reaction. Microsoft does not understand where the computing market is going on what amounts to fundamental levels. Microsoft sees Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD as direct competitors and has designed the Windows 8 user-interface to compete against those platforms.
The problem is those platforms are not Microsoft's Competitor. This is:
If I was a Microsoft employee KDE is what would keep me up at night sweating bullets. The KDE 4.x release already incorporates several interesting technologies that make it a more attractive and productive choice for both business and consumer customers. Long time tech writer Bruce Byfield has even gone so far as to state:
However, now that software like KDE development is outpacing proprietary choices like Windows, these basic advantages are more compelling than they have ever been. Increasingly, we are now in an era in which free-licensed software like KDE is not only an ethical choice, but a pragmatic one as well.
Among the interesting technologies KDE offers is it's Activities. Don't worry if KDE Activities are confusing at first, Bruce Byfield has a very good post on the technology at work. To simply state what Activities can do, they create different desktop interfaces that can handle completely different layouts of the user-interface elements.
Recent updates have extended the base functionality of the Activities technology. For example KDE 4.8 attached power-management settings to the KRandR and Activities function. I highly suggest reading drfav's wordpress post on some of the implications of this particular update, as well as the accompanying video. With KDE 4.8 it is now possible to setup different activities to have different power profiles, and those power settings change by just swapping Activities.
So, let's through a little bit fuel onto this fire. KDE currently has 3 different interface configurations. The default configuration is called Plasma Desktop and offers a traditionally oriented desktop design configured for high resolution monitors. There also is a configuration referred to as Plasma Netbook which is optimized for low resolution screens and low-resource hardware. The last is KDE Contour, an interface designed around touch-screen interfaces. The KDE Plasma-Active project also adds a UI layout and design guideline for touch-interface designed applications referred to as Active-Apps. For the most part KDE is capable of switching between each of these different interface configurations while programs remain open and running. KDE achieves this capability by decoupling system functionality from the user-interface.
Okay, as of right now I do not think it is possible to use Activities to change through the Workspace interfaces. Nor do I think it is possible yet for applications to automatically be reskinned on an Activity Switch. For example, if you switch from Plasma-Desktop to Plasma-Contour while Amarok is running, Amarok will still be presented with the keyboard and mouse interface rather than an Active App interface.
Imagine for a second when KDE does gain these abilities and what this could mean for hardware vendors. Sony, for example, could offer a Playstation Tablet backed by KDE. Sony implements the XMB as a Activity bound Workspace interface atop KDE and the user has a Sony Tablet experience while in tablet mode. When the user sits down and attaches their tablet to an external monitor KDE detects the monitor and switches to an Activity with a Plasma-Desktop interface and cranks the clockspeeds up for a desktop computer experience, all without interrupting any running applications.
This technology gap between KDE and any other interface is the stuff of nightmares for companies like Microsoft. KDE is the defining model of how the user-interface problems between hardware devices should have been approached to begin with. In the light of what KDE is doing? Metro isn't just pathetic, it's a complete and utter joke.
I can also make the problem even worse for Microsoft with just 5 words: KDE. Is. Operating. System. Neutral.
I can also turn this into a full on Cthulhu class nightmare with just two more words: Android. Compatibility.
Let me explain. The KDE Software Compilation is primarily designed as desktop environment that runs atop GNU/Linux. It is also an open source project and can theoretically be adapted to any operating system. On paper this means that it should be possible to run the KDE interface atop operating systems built against Android/Linux or WebOS/Linux. This alone could be significant as Android/Linux vendors such as Amazon are already creating and maintaining their own interfaces atop the Android Operating System. The downside here is that getting KDE up and running as an User Interface Environment on Android/Linux or WebOS/Linux would require large amounts of new code, and the KDE developers have been pretty clear that they have no desire to do that work.
The flip side is that Android itself is also an open-source project and the structure of Android/Linux applications are well documented. Arstechnica actually has a pretty article on this subject already. It is fully possible for Operating Systems that are NOT running Android/Linux to provide binary compatibility for Android/Linux applications. Where getting the KDE interfaces to operate atop a non GNU/Linux operating system and kernel would be very difficult, getting Android/Linux applications running atop a KDE/GNU/Linux distribution is incredibly easy.
If you thought this was a bonfire already, let me add some fuel, say, something like: Hypertransport
Imagine for a second buying an ARM tablet loaded with KDE/GNU/Linux. You wander around town doing the normal tablet things with Android Applications. You get home and you plug your tablet into a docking station. This docking station just happens to have a couple of hypertransport links that now connects your tablet to say, an AMD Piledriver processor and a RadeonHD class graphics card. As your tablet shifts from the tablet display to your external monitor the tablet syncs the data you've changed while in tablet mode to say, a larger drive. Other programs, such as Valve's GNU+Android/Linux Steam client and Sony's Playstation Suite synch with data stored on the larger internal-hard-drive, such as a list of installed games.
As the system finishes reconfiguring, the tablet goes from running atop an extremely power-efficient ARM processor and a limited graphics processor, to running with an x86 processor with a gaming class graphics card. From the users perspective they haven't done anything but plugged their tablet into a dock and wait a few seconds, and now they still have everything they were doing running on screen, but a much more powerful computer with far more capabilities.
The kicker? Aside from ARM not running on a Hypertransport bus and KDE not having this software switch functionality yet, and the need for somebody to write a synchronization package to actually perform the data-sync, the rest is already possible today. Hypertransport already supports central processor hotplugging. In addition GNU/Linux running atop multiple processor architectures is also a reality. Technologies such as OpenCL also remove some of the limitations of switching processor architectures.
Imagine for a second the market implications these types of technology advances have for companies like HP, Dell, or Sony. This is stuff that is not 5 or 10 years down the line. This is stuff that could be on the market in less than a years time.
To reiterate what I said earlier. Android/Linux and IOS/Mach_BSD are indeed headaches for Microsoft. They've cracked the ribs of hardware vendors who have spent decades relying on Microsoft. Consumers are now more open to concept of buying computing products that don't carry that magic Microsoft Badge.
For what KDE represents, and what it is doing NOW, it's the competitor that Microsoft should be paying attention to.
Now, will hardware vendors realize the possibilities that a KDE/GNU/Linux system offers them? Will hardware vendors leverage those possibilities in products and make stuff that consumers actually want to buy?
My suspicion is yes. As of right now the real-consumer backlash on Windows 8 is going to make the Vista backlash look like a drop in the bucket. Hardware vendors are likely going to be left scrambling to come up with answers... and KDE will be there waiting to help.
* * *
Update: I received this response from Aseigo
great blog entry; and thanks for the support. it's great to know others "get" what we're trying to achieve here .. and with the growing number of people and companies that are rallying around the technology and the ideas, i think we have a very good chance to be extremely successful in the coming years..
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