Monday, August 24, 2009

Quake Live on Linux ID's test bed for future Linux Clients

From the HardOCP forums:

We are not currently scheduling native linux ports. It isn't out of the question, but I don't think we will be able to justify the work. If there are hundreds of thousands of linux users playing Quake Live when we are done with Rage, that would certainly influence our decision...
So, if you thought Wolfenstein's lack of a Linux client was a one-off, it wasn't. ID is apparently using Quake Live Linux to determine whether or not future game clients get ported to the Linux Platform. So here's a chance for Linux users to really hand in some hard numbers to ID software, and hopefully get Raven Software to put out a Linux client for Wolfenstein as well.

btw, as a side note, since I indicated on Twitter I'd be posting proof of order cancellation to Raven's lead guy...

When I ordered it

The change to cancellation request

1 comment:

rezin said...

Your not missing much anyhow. Single player is ho-hum typical hide-n-snipe that I was able to grind through in about 12 hours. Multiplayer is a freaking mess. I can't believe they put this out, it's shameful....this thing deserves to fail.